Part of the Family

Part of the Family
birthday fun

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


What's wrong with earmuffs? I'm the only one in my family who uses them. I can't help it; my ears are sensitive. So, when the temperature drops below 50 degrees, out come the earmuffs. They may look out of place on the golf course, but my ears love me. Public courses don't have enclosed carts, so my ears are snuggly as the cold air rushes by.

In the cold Indiana winters earmuffs were a necessity when I was a child. All the other children used them, including my younger siblings. I used them in Massachusetts, as a young mother. But now, I am viewed as a sweet eccentric for using them at my age here in central Texas.

I really don't care. My ears are mine to protect.

I do several things the rest of my family deem as quirky, but they are a part of my uniqueness. Everyone has quirks and their own identities. We are all unique.

That is why I hate fads. Too many millions become sheep as want to look alike. Women will style their hair so they look like the news commentators, even when their faces don't look good in that haircut. Even some of the commentators don't look good in those one-of-a-kind hairdos.

The same goes for men who shave their heads no matter what their skulls look like and lodge sunglasses on the back of their necks. And then there are the idiots who wear their pants at their crotches, so they have to waddle to keep their shorts/jeans up. Why? If they want their underwear to show, just wear underwear! At least you can be assured they won't be robbing you. They couldn't possibly run away. So let's just smile/smirk at them!

And, girls, girls - Goth? Puleeeeassse, you are begging for help, you are lost, you are hiding your true beauty.

Not to mention piercings and tattoos. I saw this one young woman in Austin with tiger-striped legs. I thought, poor girl. What are her children and grandchildren going to think?!

All of these things are attention-getters, pure and simple. You want to shock people? Screw the world, I'm different from the establishment?

Give me a break! Where is your uniqueness, your individuality? Go against the flow! Be happy with yourself. Stand up straight. You ARE special!

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