Part of the Family

Part of the Family
birthday fun

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Lists are about words. And, I worship words. Therefore, I write.

I love to see my thoughts on paper, the words flowing so readily. Besides the computer, my office is filled with files, folders, books, stationery, and scores of writing implements.

Through the years my words have filled hundreds of folders with letters, stories, word lists, plots, and a couple of books. Twenty years ago my husband burned all my work up to that point, including stories I had written as a child. He killed a part of me by destroying all my thoughts, dreams, letters, and imaginations. (I divorced him a few years later.) I lost my portfolio of all the published work. This emotional disaster became the start of my second writing life.

"Texting" with all its shorthand doesn't interest me in the least. Actual letter writing has gone by the wayside. It is a crying shame that time and technology have taken over for the few million of us who revere the written word. Cursive writing is no longer part of the educational curriculum. What on earth are they thinking?

The hurry-scurry life that so many people lead does not lend itself to thoughtfulness, which is a part of writing. Yes, I'm blogging, but I do my serious writing with wonderful #2 pencils and pads of lined paper.

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