Part of the Family

Part of the Family
birthday fun

Friday, November 13, 2009

In the wee hours of the mornin'

Took hubby(Danny) to the airport this morning. Been up since 4am. He's going to visit his daughter(Megan) and 1-year-old grandson(Necalli) in CA. It's just a long weekend visit; he'll be back Monday night.

It was foggy out on the freeway, but some drivers ignored it. Traffic wasn't heavy at that hour, but I still was amazed that there was any at all. I expected the semis, which run heavily up and down the I-35 corridor. That there were so many others driving was surprising. Who needs to be at work so early? Then I thought: Well, Toyota's in San Antonio, probably with 24-hr. shifting, medical personnel at the plethora of hospitals, airport personnel and passengers for the six o'clock flights, and all the rest of the 24-hr. places. In a city of a couple million, I guess, those are reasons why there is never "no traffic."

I like to be the only one on the road, but that only happens in rural areas and not really that much anymore. Texas' wide open spaces are becoming narrower.

Driving in the pre-dawn hours on a Sunday is about as good as it gets. The sky gently dimming up, houses still lightless, neon road signs beckoning - sighhhh.

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